Naučne publikacije akademskog osoblja


Za tačnost unetih podataka o publikacijama, naučnim i umetničkim referencama odgovorni su autori.
Datum kreiranja: 18.04.2016.

Danijela Živković

Dodatne informacije

  • Lični podaci

  • Datum rođenja: 21.05.1981.
  • Mesto rođenja: Zrenjanin
  • Obrazovanje

  • Fakultet: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
  • Spisak publikacija

  • Monografije i poglavlja u monografijama:

    Пантелић, С., Братић, М., Милановић, З., Стојиљковић, Н., Бјелаковић, Љ., Живковић, Д., & Ђошић, А. (2022). Детерминанте здравственог фитнеса, физичке активости и квалитета живота старих одоба. Београд: Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије; Ниш: Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања.

    Пантелић, С., Братић, М., Ђошић, А., Живковић, Д., & Живковић, М. (2023). Евалуација ангажованости у спорстко-рекреативним активностима грађана Ниша. Ниш: Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања у  Нишу, Градска управа за друштвене делатности, Одсек спорт. (M42)

  • Knjige i udžbenici:

    Ranđelović, N., Živković, D. (2023). Savremeni sport i drustvo. Niš:Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. ISBN 978-86-81474-30-3

  • Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:

    Živković, D., Milanović, Lj., Đošić, A., Vulpe, A-M., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Zelenović, M., Tohănean, D.I., Pantelić, S., Sufaru, C., & Alexe, C.I. (2024). Physical activity and quality of life among high school teachers: A closer look. Social Sciences, 13, 172. ISSN: 2076-0760, doi: 10.3390/socsci13030172 (M23, IF 1.7)

    Bjelaković, L., Stosic, L.,  Klisic, A., Jovic, M.,  Stankovic, M., Stankovic, A., Pantelić, S., Zivkovic, D., Vukovic, D., Bjelakovic, B.(2023). Awareness and Knowledge of Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia among Serbian Pediatricians. Frontiers in Pediatrics, Volume 11 - 2023, doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1096478 (M23)

    Živković, D., Nedeljković, J., Veljković, B., Đošić, A., Bojanić, Ž., Bratić, M., & Pantelić, S. (2022). The Role of Personality in Prediction of Satisfaction With Life in Recreational Athletes During the First Wave of Pandemic Covid-19. Frontiers in Psychology, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.820045 (М22)

    Milanović, Lj., Živković, D., Đošić, A., Mitić, P., Cicović, B., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Nedeljković, J., Cicović, V., &  Pantelić, S. (2022). BMI, Body Image, and Quality of Life – Moderating Role of Physical Activity. Applied Sciences, 12(14), 7061. (M23)

    Bratić, M., Došić, A., Živković, D., Živković, M., Bjelaković, Lj., Stojanović, N., Đorđević, M., Prvulović, N., & Pantelić, S. (2022). The effects of the aerobic endurance running program on the morphological characteristics of adolescent girls with different nutritional status. International Journal of Morphology, 40(5), 1335-1343. doi: 10.4067/S0717-95022022000501335 (М23)

    Ðošić, A., Živković, D., Milanović, Z., Živković, M., Bjelaković, L., Bratić, M., & Pantelić, S. (2021). The association between level of physical activity and body mass index, and quality of life among elderly women. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 804449. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.804449

    Stanković, I., Čolović, H., Živković, V., Stamenović, J., Stanković, A., Zlatanović, D., Živković, D., & Stanković, T. (2018). The effect of physical therapy in the treatment of patients with cervical dystonia with or without concomitant use of botulinum toxin. Vojnosanitetski pregled75(10), 1035-1040. doi: 10.2298/VSP161115016S

  • Radovi u ostalim časopisima:

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Živković, M., Ranđelović, N., & Pantelić, S. (2023). The barriers to adolescents’physical activity. TEME: Časopis za Društvene Nauke, 47(3) 461-476. (M23)

    Lukić, N., Veličković, V., Đorđević, S., Živković, D., Đošić, A., Sterkowicz-Przybycień, K., Stojanović, S., & Purenović-Ivanović, T. (2023). Postural status of the spinal column in young rhythmic gymnasts. Physical Education and Sports Through the Centuries, 10(2). In Press ISSN 2335-0598 (M53)

    Zelenović, M., Đošić, A., Živković, D., Petrović, A., Ilbak, I., Stojanović, S., & Purenović-Ivanović, T. (2023). Quality of life of professional athletes and physically active peers: A comparative study. Physical Education and Sports Through the Centuries,10(2). In Press ISSN 2335-0598 (M53)

    Ranđelović, N., Živković, D., Piršl, D., Piršl, T., & Đošić, A. (2023). Classification of sports terms: Thematic approach.Physical Education and Sports Through the Centuries,, 10(1), 1-10.

    Đorđević, M., Pantelić, S., Đošić, A., Živković, D., & Arsić, I. (2023). Fitness parameters and the level of nutrition in girls. Facta Universitatis, Series: Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, 6(2),169-177. (M53)

    Živković, D., Đošić, A., Ranđelović, N., Živković, M., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Stojanović, N., & Pantelić, S. (2023). Level, types, and barriers to physical activity of 13-to 14-year-old children. Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries, 10(1), 140–152. ISSN 2335-0598, DOI: 10.5937/spes2301140Z (M53)

    Mladenović, K., Živković, D., Đošić, A., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Malobabić. M., Mitić, A., & Ranđelović, N. (2022). Self-assessment of online learning performance and anxiety in students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries, 9(2), 29–43. ISSN 2335-0598, DOI: 10.5937/spes2202029M (M53)

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Stojanović, S., Veličković, V., Živković, D., & Đošić, A. (2022). Cardiovascular risk factors in physically active female university students. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education & Sport, 20(2), 101–112. (M24)

    Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Milanović, L., Đošić, A., Lilić, A., & Mladenović, K. (2022). Is the representation of female athletes in the Serbian media gender balanced? Reports from the 2012 Olympic Games. Facta Universitatis, Series: Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, 6(1) 43-58. (М53)

    Ranđelović, N., Živković, D., Savić, Z., Bjelaković, Lj. (2022). Physical activity and physical exercise in a pandemic: Changes and consequences. Physical Education and Sport Through the Centuries 9(2), 79-101. (М53)

    Milanović, L., Živković, D., Pantelić, S., Bjelica, B., Pržulj, R., Aksović, N., & Perović, T. (2022). Physical activities and body images of the working population. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 19(2), 211-221.

    Mitić, P., Đurić, U., Mladenović, K., Đošić, A., Ranđelović, N., & Živković, D. (2020). Whether to win at all costs? The athletes' attitudes towards fair play. Fizičko vaspitanje i sport kroz vekove, 7(2), 230-246.


    Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Đorđević, M., Pantelić, S., & Malobabić, M. (2018). Relations of fitness parameters and morphological characteristics of seven-year-old obese children. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport16(1), 001-009.

    Stojiljković, N., Randjelović, N., Živković, D., Piršl, D., & Stanišić, I. (2019). Analysis of reporting on male and female athletes in Serbian media during the Olympic Games in LONDON 2012, Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 491-505.

    Đošić, A., Bratić, M., Jezdimirović,M., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Živković, D., & Bratić, M. (2019). Fitness parameters and morphological characteristics of overweight and obese children aged seven years, Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 17(3), 549 - 558.

    Malobabić, M., Živković. D., Đorđević, M., Ranđelović, N., Mitić, P., Stanković, A. (2018). Correlation between test anxiety, speaker self-confidence and fear of negative evaluation in college students. Sinteze, 13(1), 27-40.

    Živković, D., Ljubisavljević, S., Đorđević, G., & Živković, M. (2017). Mechanisms of protective action of physical activity on the occurrence, clinical course, and functional recovery from ischemic stroke. Acta Medica Medianae56(3), 70-76.

    Zivanovic, N., Pavlovic, P., Randjelovic, N, Pirsl, D., & Zivkovic, D. (2015). Sports, Sports Idols and Idolatry. Journal of Sports Science, 3(1), 308-315.

    Randjelovic, N., Zivković, D., Savic, Z., Pirsl, D., Stojanovic, N., &  Randjelovic, P.  (2015). Attitudes of high school students on the relations between Politics and Sports. Physical Education and Sports Through Centuries, 2(1), 93-105.

    Живковић, М., Живковић, Д., Милошевић, В, & Живадиновић, Н. (2013). Значај физичке активности код особа старијег животног доба. Геронтологија, 2(1), 145-152.

    Palic, R., Zivkovic, D., Zivanovic, N., Ciric, M., & Andrusic, S., (2012). Effects of Speed Endurance Test on the levels of Cortisol and Testosterone in Football Players, Research in Kinesiology, 40(2), 262-272.

    Zivkovic, D., Zivanovic, N., Zivkovic, M., Milojkovic, O., & Djordjevic, M., (2012), Physical  activity in ADHD children treatment. HealthMED, 6(11), 3822-3825.

  • Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:

     Ranđelović, N., Živković, D., Savić, Z., Đošić, A., Bjelaković, Lj., & Pantelić, S. (2023). Traditional games and forms of physical exercise and competition and their significance. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXIV Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2023“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (p. 364-370). October, 19–21, 2023, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of University of Niš. (M33)

    Ranđelović, N., Živković, D., Savić, Z., Đošić, A., Bjelaković, Lj., & Pantelić, S. (2023). Traditional games and forms of physical exercise and competition and their significance. . In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Abstracts of the XXIV Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2023“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (p. 88) October, 19–21, 2023, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of University of Niš. (M34)

    Živković, D. Živković, M, Purenović-Ivanović, T., Đošić, A,  Ranđelović, N, & Pantelić, S. (2023). Parents' attitudes about the physical activity of children with different levels of BMI In V. Stanković, & T. Stojanović (Eds.) Abstract book of the The Tenth International Scientific Conference "Anthropological and Teo-antrophological Views on Physical activity", (pp. 31). March, 23-24, 2023, Kopaonik: Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje, Univerzitet u Prištini, Leposavić, Srbija. (М34)

    Živković, M., Živković, D., Đošić, A., Stojanović, N., & Pantelić, S. (2023). Relationship between body composition and motor abilities of school-age children. In V. Stanković, & T. Stojanović (Eds.) Abstract book of the The Tenth International Scientific Conference "Anthropological and Teo-antrophological Views on Physical activity", (pp. 31). March, 23-24, 2023, Kopaonik: Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje, Univerzitet u Prištini, Leposavić, Srbija. (М34)

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Živković, M., Ranđelović, N., & Pantelić, S. (2023). Barriers to the working population’s physical activity. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXIV Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2023“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp. 52–60). October, 19–21, 2023, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-81474-28-0, UDC 796.035 (M33)

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Purenović-Ivanović, T., Živković, M., Ranđelović, N., & Pantelić, S. (2023). Barriers to the working population’s physical activity. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Abstracts of the XXIV Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2023“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (p. 34). October, 19–21, 2023, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of University of Niš. ISBN 978-86-81474-26-6, UDC 796.035 (M34)

    Ranđelović, D., Živković, D., Piršl, D., Purenović-Ivanović, T., & Piršl, T. (2023). Thematic approach to sports terminology classification. In V. Stanković, Lj., Ilić, T. Stojanović, & B. Cicović (Eds.), Abstract book of the 10th International Scientific Conference “Anthropological and teo-anthropological views on physical activity” (p. 64), March 23–24, 2023, Kopaonik, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Leposavić, University of Priština – Kosovska Mitrovica. ISBN 978-86-82374-04-6 (M34)

    Ranđelović, D., Živković, D., Piršl, D., Purenović-Ivanović, T., & Piršl, T. (2023). Thematic approach to sports terminology classification. In V. Stanković, Lj., Ilić, T. Stojanović, & B. Cicović (Eds.), Book of Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference “Anthropological and teo-anthropological views on physical activity” (pp. _______), March 23–24, 2023, Kopaonik, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Leposavić, University of Priština – Kosovska Mitrovica. (M33)

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Dejanović, R., Živković, D., Bubanj, S., Đošić, A., & Elliott, A. (2022). The effects of resistance training on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. In H. Dancs, I. Whyte, & J. Gaillard (Eds.), The e-Book of Abstracts of the 13th International Christmas Sports Scientific Conference (p. 77–79), December 1-3, 2021, Szombathely, HU: Savaria University Press. ISBN 978-615-5753-91-6 (M34)

    Mladenović, K., Mijalković, S., Živković, D. (2022). Stavovi studenata Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja o ulozi medija u promociji sporta. U zborniku sažetaka 9. Međunarodne naučne konferencije „Antropološki i teoantropološki pogled na fizičke aktivnosti od Konstantina Velikog do danas“ Kopaonik, Leposavić: Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje, Univerzitet u Prištini. (p. 19) (М33) ISBN - 978-86-82374-02-2

    Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Đošić, A., Purenović-Ivanović, T. & Pantelić, S. (2021). Trend promena fitness parametara gojaznih devojčica. U M. Mladenović (Ur), Zbornik radova IV međunarodne naučne konferencije “Zdravlje, Sport, Rekreacija (str. 382-389). Maj, 14, 2021, Beograd: Visoka sportska i zdravstvena škola.

    Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Đošić, A., Purenović-Ivanović, T. & Pantelić, S. (2021). Trend promena fitness parametara gojaznih devojčica. U M. Mladenović (Ur), Zbornik apstrakta IV međunarodne naučne konferencije “Zdravlje, Sport, Rekreacija (str. 201-203). Maj, 14, 2021, Beograd: Visoka sportska i zdravstvena škola.

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Bjelaković, Lj., Ivanovski, A., & Pantelić, S. (2021). Uticaj fizičke aktivnosti na kardiorespiratorni system adolescenata različitog nivoa uhranjenosti – Pilot studija. U M. Mladenović (Ur), Zbornik radova IV međunarodne naučne konferencije “Zdravlje, Sport, Rekreacija (str. 58-64). Maj, 14, 2021, Beograd: Visoka sportska i zdravstvena škola.

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Bjelaković, Lj., Ivanovski, A., & Pantelić, S. (2021). Uticaj fizičke aktivnosti na kardiorespiratorni system adolescenata različitog nivoa uhranjenosti – Pilot studija. U M. Mladenović (Ur), Zbornik apstrakta IV međunarodne naučne konferencije “Zdravlje, Sport, Rekreacija (str. 53-54). Maj, 14, 2021, Beograd: Visoka sportska i zdravstvena škola.

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Veličković, V., Penčić, N., Đošić, A., Živković, D., & Popović, R. (2021). Somatotip ritmičarki i nesportistkinja: komparativna studija. U S. Mandarić (Ur.), Knjiga sažetaka nacionalnog naučnog skupa „Estetski sportovi: Između umetnosti i sporta“ (str. 64). Jun, 04. 2021, Beograd, RS: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu.

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Veličković, V., Penčić, N., Đošić, A., Živković, D., & Popović, R. (2021). Somatotip ritmičarki i nesportistkinja: komparativna studija. U S. Mandarić (Ur.), Knjiga radova nacionalnog naučnog skupa „Estetski sportovi: Između umetnosti i sporta“ (str. 197-204). Jun, 04. 2021, Beograd, RS: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu.

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Živković, M., Čokorilo, N., & Pantelić, S. (2021). Relationships between levels of physical activity and morphological characteristics of children. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of abstracts of the XXIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2021“ in physical education, sport and recreation, (pp. 56). October, 21–23, 2021, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Đošić, A., Živković, D., Živković, M., Čokorilo, N., & Pantelić, S. (2021). Relationships between levels of physical activity and morphological characteristics of children. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2021“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp. xx-xx). October, 21–23, 2021, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Živković, D., Milanović, LJ., & Ranđelović, N. (2021). Analysis of serbian media reporting on national male and female basketball players during the olympic games 2016. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of abstracts of the XXIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2021“ in physical education, sport and recreation, (pp. 89). October, 21–23, 2021, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Živković, D., Milanović, LJ., & Ranđelović, N. (2021). Analysis of serbian media reporting on national male and female basketball players during the olympic games 2016. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2021“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp. xx-xx). October, 21–23, 2021, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Mladenović, K., Lasković, M., Mijalković, S., Živković, D., & Bjelaković, LJ. (2021). Body composition and motor skills of basketball players. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of abstracts of the XXIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2021“ in physical education, sport and recreation, (pp. 46). October, 21–23, 2021, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Mladenović, K., Lasković, M., Mijalković, S., Živković, D., & Bjelaković, LJ. (2021). Body composition and motor skills of basketball players. In N. Stojiljković (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2021“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp. xx-xx).  October, 21–23, 2021, Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia.

    Purenović-Ivanović, T., Dejanović, R., Živković, D., Bubanj, S., Đošić, A., & Elliott, A. (in press). The effects of resistance training on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. In H. Dancs, I. Whyte, & J. Gaillard (Eds.), E-book of Abstracts of the INSHS 13th International Christmas Sports Scientific Conference (p. 74-75), December 1-3, 2021. Retrieved from

    Ranđelović, N., Bjelaković, Lj., Piršl, D., Živković, D., Stanišić, I., Tasić, A. (2018). Abuse of doping substances ‐ knowledge and attitudes of the registered Niš sports clubs athletes, In M. Kocić (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2018“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp.178 - 184). October, 18-20, 2018, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Ранђеловић, Н., Пиршл, Д., Живковић, Д., & Живановић, Н. (2019). Ставови о различитим моделима злоупотребе спорта. У:  (Ур.) Зборник сажетака са 5. Meђунaрoдне нaучне кoнфeрeнциjе „АНТРОПОЛОШКИ И ТЕОАНТРОПОЛОШКИ ПОГЛЕД НА ФИЗИЧКЕ АКТИВНОСТИ ОД КОНСТАНТИНА ВЕЛИКОГ ДО ДАНАС",(pp. 294-301). Март, 21.-24., 2018, Копаоник: Факултет за спорт у Лепосавићу, Универзитет у Приштини.

    Ranđelović, N., Piršl, D., & Živković, D. (2019). Analysis of serbian media reports about female athletes during the olympic games of peking 2008. In (Ed.), THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND TEO-ANTHROPOLOGICAL VIEWS ON PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FROM THE TIME OF CONSTANTINE THE GREAT TO MODERN TIMES”, (pp. 287-293). Mарт, 21.-24, 2018, Копаоник: Факултет за спорт у Лепосавићу, Универзитет у Приштини.

    Piršl, D., Randjelović, N., Živković, D., & Piršl, T. (2018). Characteristic features of sports writing. In M. Kocić (Ed.), Book of Proceedings of the XXI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2018“ in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (pp.173-178). October, 18-20, 2018, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Živković, D., Djordjević, M., Bjelaković, L., Malobabić, M., & Randjelović, N. (2018). RELATIONS OF FITNESS PARAMETERS AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EIGHT - YEAR - OLD OBESE CHILDREN. In M.H. Murphy, C.A.G. Boreham, G. De Vito, E. Tsolakidis (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 23rd annual Congress of the European Collage of Sport Science, (pp. 301), July, 4th-7th, 2018, Dublin, Ireland: ECSS.

    Živković, D., Pantelić, S., Đorđević, M., Ranđelović, N., Bjelaković, Lj, Rakovic, A.  (2018). Relations of fitness parameters and morphological characteristics of nine-year-old obese children, In D. Škegro, I. Belčić, G. Sporiš & T. Krističević (Eds.), Proceedings of XII World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport, (pp. 322 - 328). September 19-23rd, 2018, Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.

    Живковић, Д., Ранђеловић, Н., и Бјелаковић, Љ. (2018). НАСИЉЕ У СПОРТУ - СТАВОВИ РЕГИСТРОВАНИХ СПОРТИСТА. У С. Гајић (Ур,), Зборник сажетака са Пете међународне конференције,„Спорт, здравље и животна средина“, (pp. 20), Децембар, 7., 2018, Београд: Факултет за спорт, Универзитет Унион - Никола Тесла.

    Ранджелович, Н., Кабанов , А., & Живкович, Д. (2018). Аспекты значимости новых видов спорта. Paper presented at the СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ РЕФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ВУЗОВСКОЙ СИСТЕМЫ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ - сборник научных трудов V Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием.(19 апреля), Санкт-Петербург, pp. 46-49.

    Zivkovic, D., Randjelovic, N., Djordjevic, M., & Pirsl, D. (2017). Changes of parameters of metabolic syndrome under the influence of training program. In T. Iancheva, S. Djobova, & M. Kuleva (Eds.), INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS “APPLIED SPORTS SCIENCES”, (pp. 351-356). December 1-2nd, 2017, Sofia: NSA.

    Ранђеловић, Н., Пиршл, Д., Живковић, Д., & Живановић, Н. (2018). Злоупотреба спорта – ставови студената и средњошколаца (The abuse of sport – faculty and high school students views). Paper presented at the 4. MEЂУНAРOДНA НAУЧНA КOНФEРEНЦИJA „АНТРОПОЛОШКИ И ТЕОАНТРОПОЛОШКИ ПОГЛЕД НА ФИЗИЧКЕ АКТИВНОСТИ ОД КОНСТАНТИНА ВЕЛИКОГ ДО ДАНАС“ (THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND TEO-ANTHROPOLOGICAL VIEWS ON PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FROM THE TIME OF CONSTANTINE THE GREAT TO MODERN TIMES”), (pp. 180-188). Март, 22.-25, 2017, Копаоник, Факултет за спорт у Лепосавићу, Универзитет у Приштини.


    Živković, D., Đorđević, M., Ranđelović, N., & Bjelaković, L. (2017). The trend of changes in the morphological characteristics of obese children. In S. Mandarić, L. Moskovljević & M. Marković (Eds.), Conference proceedings Effects of Physical Activity Application to Anthropological Status with Children, Youth and Adults, (pp. 181 -187). December. 10-11th, 2017, Belgrade, RS: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Đorđević, M., Živković, D., Randjelović, N., Pantelić, S., & Mitrović, B. (2017). Trend of changes in morpho-motoric status of normal weight girls. Paper presented at the XX Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2017" in physical education, sport and recreation, pp.172 - 179)., October 19. - 21, 2017, Niš, RS:Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Živković, D., Piršl, D., & Ranđelović, N. (2017). SPORTS STUDENTS CRITICAL THINKING AND STRATEGIC LEARNING COMPETENCIES. Paper presented at the 8TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON KINESIOLOGY – 20th Anniversary, (pp. 583). May 10– 4, 2017, Zagreb, CRO: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.

    Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Piršl, D., Malobabić, M., & Stanišić, I. (2017). Negative phenomena in sport reported in the daily newspaper Blic during the women and men's handball world Championships in 2013. In S. Pantelic (Ed.), Proceedings of XX Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2017" in physical education, sport and recreation, (pp. 92-97). October 19-21st, Niš, RS: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education.

    Zivkovic, D., Randjelovic, N., Pirsl, D., and Nejic, K. (2016). Differences in media reporting on female and male athletes during the Olympic Games. In Pantelic S. (Ed.) XIX Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2016 in physical education, sport and recreation“ and IV International Scientific Conference (pp. 380-384). Nis: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis.

    Pirsl, D., Randjelovic, N., Zivkovic, D., Pirsl, T., & Stojiljkovic, D. (2016). Critical thinking – strategic learning and metacognitive strategies in sports class. In Pantelic S. (Ed.) XIX Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2016 in physical education, sport and recreation“ and IV International Scientific Conference (371-375). Nis: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis.

    Ранђеловић, Н., Савић, З., Пантелић, С., Живковић, Д. и Рајић, А. (2016). Злоупотреба допинг средстава – сазнања и ставови. У: Зборник радова Треће међународне научне конференције „Антрополошки и теоантрополошки поглед  на физичке активности од Константина Великог до данас“ (263-271). Лепосавић: Факултет за спорт и физичко васпитање, Универзитет у Приштини.

    Đorđević, M., Kostić, R., Pantelić, S., Uzunović, S., Milanović, Z., &  Živković, D. (2015). Мotor abilities of eight‐year‐old girls оf different nutritional status. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVIII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2015 in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation“ and III International Scientific Conference (236-242). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.

    Zivkovic, D., Djordjevic, M. (2014). Differences in health EQ‐5D Parameters in terms of form of Physical Activity in elderly people. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014 in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation" and II International Scientific Conference (404-408). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.

    Randjelovic, N., Savic, Z., Pantelic, S., Pirsl, D., Zivanovic, N., & Zivkovic, D., (2014). Analysis of Reporting from Olympics in London 2012 in the daily Blic. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVII Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2014" in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation and II International Scientific Conference (404-408). Nis: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis.

    Cekovic, N., Đorđevic, M., Stefanovic, N., Antic, V., & Zivkovic, D, (2013). Somatotype Analysis of the first-year students of the Faculty of Sport And Physical Education in Nis. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2013 in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation“ and I International Scientific Conference (pp. 369-376). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.

    Purenovic-Ivanovic, T., Popovic, R., Djordjevic, M., & Zivkovic, D., (2013), Body type and composition of the PE Students. In Pantelić S. (Ed.) XVI Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2013 in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation" and I International Scientific Conference (405-412). Nis: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis.

    Živković, D., Živanović, N. i Mitić, N. (2011). Značaj fizičke aktivnosti u prevenciji povišenog krvnog pritiska kao faktora rizika kardio- i cerebrovaskularnih bolesti. In Živanović, N., Bubanj, S. (Ed.) XV Scientific Conference „FIS COMMUNICATIONS 2011 in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation“ (pp.439-444). Niš: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš.

  • Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:

    1. Živković, D., Ranđelović, N., Živanović, N. (2015). Značaj fizičke aktivnosti kod osoba starijeg životnog doba u prevenciji masovnih nezaraznih bolesti. U: Zbornik sažetaka V naučne konferencije “Socijalni i zdravstveni problemi stanovništva jugoistočne Srbije – s posebnim osvrtom na položaj ostarelih” Niš: Centar za naučnoistraživački rad SANU, Univerzitet u Nišu.

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